In an economy where desired savings exceed desired investment, it should be able to export excess savings via a current account surplus. 当一个经济体的储蓄意愿超过了投资意愿,就应该能够通过经常账户盈余出口过度储蓄。
Rising investment in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Africa would allow China to export its surplus capacity in steel, rail and other industries, which is increasingly weighing on its domestic economy. 中国在中亚、东南亚、南亚及非洲地区增加投资,将允许其把日益拖累国内经济的钢铁、铁路及其他产业的过剩产能出口海外。
And Europe offered subsidies to help their farmers export surplus product. 我们今年不可能有剩余产品。
Policymakers in Washington, DC, are alarmed by China's export strength and its ballooning trade surplus. 华盛顿的决策人士总是看到中国的强势出口和膨胀的贸易顺差。
The obvious conclusion is that China should export some of its surplus inventory. 因此,最明显的结论是,中国应该出口部分多余库存。
But though most analysts are predicting strong growth in the medium to long term, most also expect that demand will be outpaced by large increases in automaker capacity – leading to pressure to export the surplus. 然而,尽管多数分析师预测中国汽车市场中长期内将强劲增长,但多数人也认为,汽车制造商的产能大幅扩张将超过需求增速,从而带来必须将剩余汽车出口的压力。
Too much saving means too much investment for the world as a whole: no export surplus can serve as a safety valve, as it can for individual countries. 就整个世界而言,储蓄过高意味着投资也过高:出口顺差可以为个别国家提供安全阀,但不可能为全世界提供安全阀。
Unlike China and other East Asian mercantilists, it does not run an export surplus; nor does it insist on showering excess savings on rich countries that have no good use for them. 与中国和其它东亚重商主义国家不同,印度没有出口盈余;也没有坚持把过多的储蓄投向没有很好利用它们的富裕国家。
The US is now starting to export its surplus coal. 美国正开始出口多余煤炭。
It cannot depend on international credit, whether short-term or long-term, to finance a net import balance or a net goods and services deficit; nor can it hope to sustain a net export balance or a net goods and services surplus. 她不能依赖长期或短期的国际信贷来为进口差额或货物与劳务的逆差融资,也不可能指望保持出口顺差或货物和劳务的净盈余。
Cause-effect test of tax reimbursement for export and trade surplus shows that tax reimbursement for export will result in non-trade capital inflow. 从出口退税与贸易顺差的因果关系检验出发,我们可以得出出口退税可能引发非贸易资金流入的结论。
If portions of Hong Kong's added value are larger are calculated as Hong Kong's export, then China's trade surplus with US will reduce accordingly, even becoming a deficit. 如果把在香港增值较大的部分计为香港的出口,中国对美贸易顺差就会相应减少,甚至成为逆差。
Japan needs to export more of its surplus private savings. 日本需要将其庞大私人储蓄中的更大一部分出口。
Embracing more flexible policies, these regions attracted foreign investment, encouraged export and created more jobs for surplus workers. 这些区域因享有更加宽松的市场环境、在吸引外资,鼓励出口和解决剩余劳动力的问题上都起到了积极作用。
The peg drives China to export savings and run a big current account surplus. 盯住汇率机制驱使中国输出储蓄,并累积巨额经常账户盈余。
Do I have to add that not every country can have an export surplus? 我是否需要补充说明,并非每个国家都能实现贸易顺差?
The chancellor admitted that other EU members and the US have urged Germany to spend more to maintain the current recovery and reduce its export surplus. 德国总理承认,欧盟其它成员国及美国都督促德国扩大支出,以维系目前的经济复苏态势并减少出口顺差。
The result was a consumption binge in deficit countries and an export surge in surplus countries, with vendor financing courtesy of the latter. 其结果是,赤字国家出现了消费狂潮,而盈余国家则出口激增,由卖家为买家的慷慨埋单。
Therefore, we should insist on the neutral principle of export rebate, and trading surplus should be regulated by expanding the imports of natural resources and primary products. 因此,国家可以通过扩大资源类产品进口的方法来减少进出口贸易顺差,对一般性商品出口仍应坚持征多少、退多少、按征税率退税的中性原则。
Effective transformation and export of surplus labour force in karst area& Taking Bijie for example 对岩溶山区农村富余劳动力有效转移的思考&以毕节地区为例
Village tourism, a brand-new economic form, has entered the traditional agricultural activities and has exerted obvious influence on the industrial structure in the countryside which finds expression in the transfer to non-agricultural fields, the export of the surplus farming labor and the increase of income. 乡村旅游以全新的经济形式介入农村传统生产活动,对农村产业结构的调整产生了显著影响,表现为促进农村产业非农化、带动农村剩余劳动力转移、增加农民收入等。
And the internal transfer with the external export of the surplus labor force in agriculture. 农业剩余劳动力的国内转移与国际输出辩证结合。
Development of service export and bringing about the transition of surplus labor in agriculture Countryside Bearing on New Look 发展劳务输出实现农村剩余劳动力的转移
For a long time, people always focus their attention on export when evaluating foreign trade boost economy. They believe only export or trade surplus play an active role in economy growth and import will offset the effect. 长期以来,在评价对外贸易对经济增长的贡献时,人们几乎都把关注的焦点放在出口上,认为只有出口、贸易顺差对经济增长才有积极作用,而进口会抵消这种作用。
MNK protein is a Cu2+ transmembrane pump which is formed by eight transmembrane pore region and export surplus copper from cells. MNK蛋白是铜离子进行跨膜转运的离子泵,通过8个跨膜区域形成的孔道使铜离子泵出细胞。
On the other hand, the excess saving relative to investment and net export surplus is a direct link, savings investment and net exports in the value of the difference basically is the equivalent. 另一方面,储蓄相对投资的过剩和净出口顺差有着直接的联系,储蓄投资差额和净出口在数值上基本是等值的。
Currently, China is the biggest trade partner of Japan. Korea is the fourth trade partner, the fourth export market and the third import source of China. China is the biggest trade partner, the biggest export market and the first surplus source of Korea. 目前,中国是日本第一大贸易伙伴,韩国是中国第四大贸易伙伴、第四大出口市场和第三大进口来源;中国是韩国第一大贸易伙伴、第一大出口市场和第一大顺差来源。